célula de carga ccxs

Característica principal:

  • Truck scale
  • Railway scale
  • Axle-load scale
  • Floor scale


Product description:

CCS-CCXS load cell of column (core) type is applied for production or modernization of truck, wagon scales, batching scales and other weighing devices in di erent branches of industry and agriculture. CCS-CCXS load cell is completely dust- and waterproof, it has high-level protection IP68. In the design of this model it realized anti-rotation protection because of locks system between load cell and installation unit.

PDF célula de carga CCXS

Dimensions (in mm):

CCS-CCXS Load Cell Specifications


  • Error due to the cornbined effect of non-linearity and hysteresis
  • The sum of errors due to Ternperature Effect on Output cornply with the requirernents of OIML R60 and NIST HB44
  • AL = Applied Load

Diagrama de fiação

Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.


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